Sunday, 1 January 2012

GOOD BYE 2011 :(

Thank You For Being A Part Of Me And For All Of Us.... Thanks for all the memories
We Spent All The Moments Of Joys And Sadness Together...

             Kenangan 2011 

Graduation day

Lawatan MSU

Sekolah :)

Tahun 2011 telah pun meninggalkn it's time for me to focus forward..past is past.. make the past as your history.. :) 2011 does not return again..

                SAY HELLO TO 2012 :D

New year.. new story,new friends but still dgn kwn lame and new life.. :) 

Sedih.. tahun ni da tak seronok daripd tahun lepas..xdpt nk join dgn membe2 sekola jalil.. tapi still bole jumpe deorng walaupun xselalu mcm dulu... :( tahun ni lain drpd yg lain sbbnye aku bkn lagi bdk sekolah..haha

My Aim For This Year.. nak jadi orng yg baik.. #kononlah..haha.. then, nak lanjutkan pelajaran at higher level.. tahun ni paling benci dpt PLKN, OMG!! hha >.< tak suke doh.. tapi seronok la jgk sbb abiskan duit kerajaan..hehehe hope this year will be better..
That's all..kbye :)