Saturday, 4 May 2013

Bye Selangor Matriculation College

       Asalamualaikum, as you can see the title above, it's too hard to say goodbye.To all my dear friends,after all we've been through together, sad and joyful moments, only god knows how much i miss all of you especially her.People come and go, tht's the one of nature of life.chill guys. see you soon maybe :)
      So i'm no longer a student of kms and proudly say that i'am the one of selangor matriculation college's product. Alhamdulillah for my pspm 1 results, I've tried my best even though i didn't get 4 flat. Insha Allah 4flat for semester 2 aminn. 3.96 is all I need for my cgpa :)

Classmates sm3k3t3 without Login
With login and our mentor